The Sacraments

The seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church are

  • Baptism,
  • Confirmation,
  • Holy Communion,
  • Confession,
  • Marriage,
  • Holy Orders,
  • Anointing of the Sick.

In order to arrange baptism for your child at St Vincent’s, you need to be residing in this parish and to be coming each week to Sunday Mass. During the Baptismal Ceremony you will be solemnly promising that you will undertake everything you can to bring your child up in the practice of the Faith; to make that promise with integrity, it is essential that you yourselves, the parents, are already practising your faith.

Every couple of months we hold Baptismal Preparation Sessions for any parishioners who are hoping to have their child baptised. These offer an opportunity to reflect with other parents on the ceremony itself and its demands, and to consider the significance of what you are requesting for your child. To attend you need first to make contact with the Parish Priest. The sessions usually take place in the Parish Hall underneath the Priest’s House at 36 Altenburg Gardens.

As there are many Baptisms at St Vincent’s, it is important to emphasize that personal contact with the clergy and attendance at the Preparation Sessions is necessary before any date or time for a Baptism will be considered. We will inform you on which Sundays and at which times we will be celebrating baptisms. Please note that only two Godparents are permitted: both must be practising Christians over the age of 16, and at least one of these Godparents must be a Catholic.

The Sacraments of First Reconciliation (First Confession) and First Holy Communion
In early September, applications are invited for any children who are in Primary School Year 3 or above in that academic year. Children will only be accepted into the course when their families reside in the parish and they attend St Vincent’s Sunday Mass weekly with their parents.

Parents who hope to enrol their children are invited to a meeting (in September), at which the Preparation Programme leading to First Confession/Reconciliation and First Holy Communion the following May is outlined, and the commitment expected from both parents and children is explained. Only if parents agree to commit to the whole programme will they be allowed to enrol their children.

Classes usually take place in the Parish Hall on Sundays during term time. Occasionally, reflection sessions are held for the Catholic parents too. Catholic Parents have the primary role in assisting their child prepare to receive these Sacraments – the generous sharing of faith by the Parish Catechists during the children’s classes is intended to assist and reinforce what the children’s parents themselves do by word and example.

The first celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation usually takes place before Christmas, with another in Lent and closer to the time of the First Communion Mass.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation – Individual Confession
The Parish Priest is usually available to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with individuals on Saturday mornings at 11am in the Church. Appointments can also be made.

In Advent, Lent, and Eastertide Penance Services with the opportunity for individual confession are usually held in our parish, at which other confessors sometimes assist.

A joint celebration for all the parishes of the Wandsworth Deanery is often organised in one of the parishes during Advent and Lent.

Updated: 10/05/2024 — 5:18 PM